Last week I installed Suse 11.0 from the Internet. While using it I noticed my taskbar* was lost. Now I always instruct my taskbars to disappear downwards. But this is a bit too much disappearing.
How do I get my taskbar back. I have no menu button to call Yast or what ever. Only a plain desktop with three buttons (trashcan, printer and system).
Taskbar: The bar at the bottom of the screen where your quick start panel is situated and the “start” button and system clock (I don’t hope I’m sounding too Wine XP)
Hi. This argument has been treaten a lot of times on this forum, even yesterday. Anyway: right click on the desktop and choose run application. Then write kicker and ok
Not sure, but are you using kde3? And what happens if you open a konsole (same method: right click, run command konsole) and run kicker from there? Wich are the message you get back from there?
Starting kde3 in kconsole and Alt-F2 has the same result. Nothing. I enter kde3 press enter, the window closes, and that’s it. I don’t see any (error) message on the screen.:mad:
Hi. Kde3 is not an application/command but it is a whole desktop environment. So it makes sense that nothing happens running the command Kde3. When you log in at the bottom left side of the screen you see something about the session (sorry i don’t have my linux box now). Are you running Kde3 or 4 from here? It is very essential. Anyway try to run kicker in a konsole and look at the feedback it returns