lost access to files on windows

I am currently running a dual boot with Vista and SUSE 11.1. Just the other day I upgraded to kernel 2.26.29. I’m not sure if this is related, but I am no longer able to view files on my windows\C partition from SUSE. It will show this directory structure but nothing within the folders. I’ve also lost the network printer as well.

Now this seems fixed.

This is what I did:
1- Booted into Vista and ran Windows Update
2- Installed the updates
3- Booted into original installation SUSE 11.1 (not 2.26.29)
4- I noticed I was able to view the Windows partition, all folders, etc
5- Booted into 2.26.29
6. Voila, I was able to view everything on Windows.

Not sure how or why, but it seems to be fine now.