I tried searching the forums and googling this for openSUSE - does anyone know of a good DIY on this? I’ve done it during install, but never on an existing installation.
thank you!
I tried searching the forums and googling this for openSUSE - does anyone know of a good DIY on this? I’ve done it during install, but never on an existing installation.
thank you!
On 2012-07-09 22:36, PattiMichelle wrote:
> I tried searching the forums and googling this for openSUSE - does
> anyone know of a good DIY on this? I’ve done it during install, but
> never on an existing installation.
There are two methods.
One is backup the entire home partition, then use the yast partitioner to
reformat it encripted, and finally restore the backup there.
Another is add new users and tell yast to do it with an encrypted home -
and if the user exist, then backup, delete, add with same uid, restore.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)
You can try: Using Luks encrypted partitions in linux. Skip down to the section “Manual setup”. Remember to backup first, and restore from backup to the encrypted partition once you have it working. Or use the first method suggested by Carlos (his second method is for encrypted home directory per user, rather than encrypted home partition).
Either way, you would want to be logged in as root at a virtual terminal. Don’t try it from a GUI login that depends on the home partition that you will be changing.
Thanks, Robin! It sounds like the simplest is to use the method #1. I guess I should boot into root to do that so that the /home partition is not even in use. It might be even safer to boot from the opensuse “live” disk to do that.