We have a load of Smartboards and use Windows for those. In a ideal world I would like to get rid of this and use Linux but
Smartboard a) don’t support openSUSE b) only support Debian7 and various old Ubuntu flavours, not to mention the Linux version
of the software is antique. ( They are not at all Linux friendly - when I asked them about Linux they basically told me to go and poke it ! )
Most people don’t use the full Smartboard features just the ability to use the pens to write over and highlight presentations displayed via the projector.
I looked at open-sankora and the last thing in their blog is ‘happy new year 2013’ which doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence.
All I need is an app that does something like put a transparent layer over the second screen that you can write on, it doesn’t need to be linked
or saved with the presentation. I know you can use the mouse as a pen in Impress but these presentation could be anything from Word to just
an image. Has anyone any pointers ?
Technically speaking, I’d expect any graphical program… even GIMP to meet very minimal basic requirements of drawing or writing freehand shapes, and layers. If you also had an attached keyboard, you could also type into textboxes, graphically modify and move them around as well.
If the smartboard supports networking, you could also run apps from the Internet like Google Sketchpad, in fact any app that supports real time collaboratiion would make for interesting device casting as well.