Login to GUI from text

Hi guys,

When I boot up, my Opensuse goes to text mode, what command do I need to type to get into GUI mode,



Heeter wrote:

> When I boot up, my Opensuse goes to text mode, what command do I need
> to type to get into GUI mode,


Thank you,


If this is happening each time you boot, you may have your default runlevel set to 3 (ie text). To check if this is the case and to change to the right level, open the console, su to log on as root, then vi /etc/inittab. Look for the line below:

# The default runlevel is defined here

If yours says any number other than 5, then change it to 5 and you should be good to go.

Hey thanks for the reply,

I just actually found out why,

It is because, I am missing an nvidia driver.

I am trying to figure out how to install nvidia drivers from repository in text mode.



You can use the opensource nv driver to get into gui. At the console login, logon as root, then enter sax2 and it should configure the X server. Accept the configuration and reboot to log on to X.

Once you’re in, you can go to yast software manager and add the nvidia repo from the community repos under the repository manager. Install the nvidia driver from there.

coomac wrote:

> You can use the opensource nv driver to get into gui. At the console
> login, logon as root, then enter -sax2- and it should configure the X
> server. Accept the configuration and reboot to log on to X.
> Once you’re in, you can go to yast software manager and add the nvidia
> repo from the community repos under the repository manager. Install the
> nvidia driver from there.

If you do the above and wind up with very low resolution (640x480 or such),
check /etc/X11/xorg.conf for the Section “Modes”. I have a GF 6100 on my
board and sax2 writes the section as:

Section “Modes”
Identifier “Modes[0]”

That is missing a modeline and I have to add it manually every time I mess
with sax2. Mine now reads (for a 1440x900 LCD).


Section “Modes”
Identifier “Modes[0]”
Modeline “1440x900” 106.47 1440 1520 1672 1904 900 901 904 932

and it comes up in the expected mode. I don’t know if that’s a common
problem, specific to the GF 6100, or just a whim of this machine but it
takes that to make things work.

Will Honea