Following problem with the login:
I have one account, created during installation (from the scratch) that runs flawlessly. I did reinstall 11.4 because my 11.3 had (after update to the newest KDE version the following problem - identical (!) to the one I am encountering now.
The machine is KDE 4.6 stable and Nvidia proprietary graphics driver rpm install from the repos.
If I login into the account that was created before the update to the most recent stable KDE4 the boot goes well.
When I try to create a new user account, once I try to login into it, the KDM advances up to 90 percent of the progress bar. Soon after the activation of the phonon server the progress bar stops. You hear the login sound so the system seems to have logged in. Maybe the plama desktop is “hidden” behind the KDM?
Your mouse stays usable. The exit from the blocked screen is possible with Alt-Ctrl-F2.
This does not seem an issue of the graphics driver. It works flawlessly on the same machine with my own account. Starting plasma in “fail-safe session” gives the very same result (for every new user, while the “old” remains perfectly functional in every aspect. Desktop effects are deactivated in the working user account because they are not working with the Graphics (7200GS) I have.
Do you have any suggestion about the culprit?
Thank you in advance.