login fails

In the past I had a running openSuSE 11.1, then I upgraded it via internet. I wanted it to be upgraded to 11.2 so I added the appropriate repositories and did zypper dup… it ended up in 11.3… Now 11.3 boots fine. The login is the problem: if I select KDE then it accepts my login credentials for user “jens”, does something and return to the graphical login screen. it only works if I try to login to “secured” / “Abgesichert”. (Same behaviour if I try to login as admin). I’ve no plan how to handle this.
There is no way to switch to a console due to graphical/ monitor problems. There is a testuser called “probe” that can login to a KDE session but I don’t want to move all the data and e-Mails of the last 5 years…
Please somebody help me.
thanks in advance

Ouch you went from 11.1 to the 11.3 BETA???

Since you have a test user that logs in ok, it is most likely a problem with the old 11.1 KDE config files.

Also what is your problem with the console? Can you start in terminal mode by pressing 3 before the boot?

Try going to ~/.kde4/share/config

delete all files with plasma in it.

restart immediatly. This is best done from a terminal rather then the GUI or perhaps from a bootable CD.

Thank you.
My console problem is the following: while booting through text mode my display disappears and says “vga mode not support”. I think it has to do with my kvm switch. The result is that i can’t see anything unless text mode is active. Switching to boot screen results in a display that I can work with…
The login menu shows an item that in german (I’m a german…) is called “Abgesichert” - maybe this is something like the windows-secure-mode (F8)?
I’ll try your hint, anyway.
Have a good time,

Here is a table that may help just set the vga = in the boot to one of these if you can find a value that works change the value in /boot/grub/menu.lst

    | 640x480  800x600  1024x768 1280x1024
 256 |  0x301    0x303    0x305    0x307
 32k |  0x310    0x313    0x316    0x319
 64k |  0x311    0x314    0x317    0x31A
 16M |  0x312    0x315    0x318    0x31B

Thank you. The change of the video mode to 0x318 worked (before it was 0x31a). Still I can’t login with my own user or as root but i can login with my testuser…

Ok now you can work from the terminal.

You will need to recover/reset your root password

Recover Root Password - openSUSE

should help

Then you can tackle your user password.

If you can not login as root how did you create the test user account??

Are you seeing why it is best to do a new install of a new OS version?

oh yes, I see this…
the problem isn’t that I can’t login as my user or a root - i can. graphical login accepts the password and hen it tries to switch to kde but returns to login screen,
i created the testuser before i upgraded to 11.3 m4 - as i wanted to upgrade to 11.2…
from the login screen i logged in as root using ‘ALT-N’ and ended up in a kind of kde-console. i deleted all the files with plasm in its names and the rebooted. no success, sorry.
i’m a very puzzled penguin…
hope to hear from you soon
yours, Jens

Well I don’t know you followed your own unique path here, one I would never ever recommend. FWIW I’d say install from a CD/DVD properly. You can save you personal data by NOT formating the home partition.

I followed every hint you gave me and sometimes told about the following 1 post later…
Did you mean to reinstall 11.2 from DVD? or 11.1? or what…
So, if i understood right you’ve meant to start the installation procedure from dvd, accept the formatting of nearly everything (except /home) and then combine the newly created user jens with the not-formatted /home/jens? right?

You should never blindly accept the partition scheme. Always check to be sure it is what YOU want. The Installer does not read minds.

The problem is you jumped in and instead of upgrading 11.1 to 11.2 you upgraded to 11.3 which is still beta. You probably missed something in the upgrade. So install 11.2 but keep you home.

:)thank you for this very clear answer. btw: i jumped by accident, not by my will…:’(

IT’s solved by a newly installed 11.2 and keeping of /home.
Thank you.