Log-in only on TTY

So I want to remove lightdm and only use tty to log in. I remove/uninstall lightdm and when I reboot and system boots up. I see this DM (Image below) … I don’t know why opensuse still have a backup for DM. But I want to remove this and just using tty. Please help me guys!

<Ctrl-Alt-F1> or <Ctrl-Alt-F2> .. <Ctrl-Alt-F6> …

Login as the user root:

 # systemctl isolate multi-user.target
 # systemctl set-default multi-user.target

Take a look in ‘/etc/systemd/system/graphical.target.wants/’ and check the contents of ‘/usr/lib/systemd/system/display-manager.service’ …

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thank you sir! Now I can use tty only! :laughing: :smile:

Maybe next time try to find out first what your wish is about before you remove some packages in the hope of a miracle.

Better try to read up on systemd targets like graphical, multi-user, etc. (former initd run-levels).

And when this was you goal from the beginning, then you should have chosen for a Text Only system at installation. It would have installed much less software then you have now.

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