Hi, i have never used linux befor but would like to and openSuse was recomended to me. When I burned the live CD and booted to it everything worked fine until the DOS like screen that was telling me what the OS was booting turned completly black(nothing there…not even that “_” thing thats on DOS screens. The screen then slowly turned white and back to black. PLEASE HELP:eek:
this sounds like a nasty graphics issue. what machine are you using, and do you know what graphics card is in it? i always find live cds don’t give a real indication of the operating system, for instance, the live disc of 10.3 didn’t work on my laptop, it wouldn’t boot properly, yet installing the OS was flawless, and every single thing worked fine.
they can fit more drivers/support etc on a dvd than a cd i guess…
someone here might be able to answer your question though. i guess it might be something to do with graphics memory and shared BIOS memory perhaps…
As mention before give us the spec of you,re computer.Although I must admit that all the live Cd I download works .
IF Linux has problems than it is with cards that are on board.That,s why my advice is always buy a computer with free PCI slots
all the best
Did you try installing in “text” mode?