lirc configuration for logitech ultraX remote_

Hi to all!
Im new to openSUSE.Before openSUSE I used Ubuntu for almost a year but I decide to switch to openSUSE 11.2 KDE. Everything works great, but I cant get lirc to work or to recognize nu remote:Logitech ultraX. I dont understand how to configure lirc in openSUSE or what packages is required for lirc to work, I know that I must manualz add file in lirc for my remote but I don`t know where to find them or how to use them.
If someone could guide me step by step try configuration procedure.
Sorrz for bed Eng :shame:

Same here… need help.

rale ts wrote:

> I cant get lirc to work or to recognize nu remote

never used it myself, so can’t help except to say, see:
