Linux / ntfs file system.

I am a new linux user and stuck in this problem. I tried to share ntfs file disk for linux users in users group. so i changed /etc/fstab file for a get new access right to user group. Still i did something wrong because i now give all right to all users. my line in fstab is “/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_ST3320620A_3QF0B80T-part1 /windows/C ntfs-3g users,gid=users,unmask=0002,locale=fi_FI.UTF-8 0 0” This should not give rights drwxrwxrwx but that it does right now! so what i do wrong? i like to get rights like that “drwxrwxr-x”. i have read lot’s of mounting and also search answers from forums but can’t find help.

Hi Anittu & Welcome!

I’m not to sure about this and not able to test right now… but I think you need to set unmask=0022.

Also have a wait as others drop in that are more familiar with the exact mount options.


I am also a newbie, but doesn’t the group “users” mean all “users”. Would it not be better to create a group such as “winusr” and then only add the users to this group which you want to allow access to your share?

IIRC, the first users means “mountable by users” and it doesn’t work as intended anyway.

Unmask is an error – umask

Was wondering about that one… thx Swerdna!