I read on a post that installation of the Linksys AE6000 driver involves the following steps: (a) Download and unpack the driver, (b) go the the driver’s folder and run “make” followed by “make install”. After those steps, plug in the AE6000 USB device and opensuse should recognize it.
My system fails on running the “make” command.
Here is a screen print of the output from “make”.
Old-HP:/home/ken/Desktop/sanrath-mediatek_mt7610u_sta_driver_linux-64bit-95fd2aa84ad7# make
make -C tools
make[1]: Enteringdirectory’/home/ken/Desktop/sanrath-mediatek_mt7610u_sta_driver_linux-64bit-95fd2aa84ad7/tools’
gcc -g bin2h.c -obin2h
make[1]: Leavingdirectory’/home/ken/Desktop/sanrath-mediatek_mt7610u_sta_driver_linux-64bit-95fd2aa84ad7/tools’
chipset = mt7610u
cp -fos/linux/Makefile.6/home/ken/Desktop/sanrath-mediatek_mt7610u_sta_driver_linux-64bit-95fd2aa84ad7/os/linux/Makefile
make -C/lib/modules/4.1.21-14-default/buildSUBDIRS=/home/ken/Desktop/sanrath-mediatek_mt7610u_sta_driver_linux-64bit-95fd2aa84ad7/os/linuxmodules
make[1]: ***/lib/modules/4.1.21-14-default/build: No such file or directory. Stop.
Makefile:393: recipefor target ‘LINUX’ failed
I have manually checked each step to verify that folders and files listed were there or created. I should say that I’ve tried to install with both Opensuse 13.2 and Leap 42.1. The results are the same.
The install fails on the line beginning with “make -C /lib/modules”. I had to manually create a folder “build in the /lib/modules…”. The issue seems to be that the folder referenced in the “SUBDIRS” part if the command does not exist. I have the “sanrath…/os/linux” folder but I don’t have a subfolder “modules”. I don’t know how to find it or create it. I don’t know what the “SUBDIRS” part of the command is supposed to do.
I hope someone can help me.
Thanks, in advance.
Ken Russell
I don’t have this hardware, but I did find this page.It has a link to the AE6000 tarball. In an effort to assist, I downloaded the file, extracted and built it successfully with
cd mediatek_mt7610u_sta_driver_linux-64bit
make clean
sudo make install
Now I have the rt7610u_sta driver…
modinfo # modprobe mt7610u_sta
linux-hi6j:/home/dmartin # modinfo mt7610u_sta
filename: /lib/modules/4.1.21-14-default/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/mt7610u_sta.ko
license: GPL
description: RT2870 Wireless Lan Linux Driver
author: Paul Lin <paul_lin@ralinktech.com>
license: GPL
srcversion: FF1996187AB01F08D662FF1
alias: usb:v0E8Dp7650d*dc*dsc*dp*icFFisc02ipFFin*
alias: usb:v0E8Dp7630d*dc*dsc*dp*icFFisc02ipFFin*
alias: usb:v7392pA711d*dc*dsc*dp*ic*isc*ip*in*
alias: usb:v0E8Dp7610d*dc*dsc*dp*ic*isc*ip*in*
alias: usb:v13B1p003Ed*dc*dsc*dp*ic*isc*ip*in*
alias: usb:v148Fp7610d*dc*dsc*dp*ic*isc*ip*in*
depends: usbcore
vermagic: 4.1.21-14-default SMP preempt mod_unload modversions
parm: mac:rt28xx: wireless mac addr (charp)
make[1]: ***/lib/modules/4.1.21-14-default/build: No such file or directory. Stop.
Make sure that you have ‘kernel-default-devel’ installed first.
I tried again starting from a new download of the AE6000 tar file. After extracting and running, the “clean” command failed exactly as shown above. I then saw the note ln the last reply saying to install “kernel-default-devel”. I tried to install it but the install failed with the following output. Again, I need some help to get this package installed.
Old-HP:/home/ken/Downloads/AE6000/mediatek_mt7610u_sta_driver_linux-64bit # zypper install kernel-default-devel
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…
Resolving package dependencies…
The following NEW package is going to be installed:
1 new package to install.
Overall download size: 2.7 MiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation, additional 3.4 MiB will be used.
Continue? [y/n/? shows all options] (y): y
Retrieving package kernel-default-devel-4.1.21-14.2.x86_64 (1/1), 2.7 MiB ( 3.4 MiB unpacked)
Retrieving: kernel-default-devel-4.1.21-14.2.x86_64.rpm …[done (758.4 KiB/s)]
Checking for file conflicts: …[done]
(1/1) Installing: kernel-default-devel-4.1.21-14.2.x86_64 …[error]
Installation of kernel-default-devel-4.1.21-14.2.x86_64 failed:
Error: Subprocess failed. Error: RPM failed: error: unpacking of archive failed on file /lib/modules/4.1.21-14-default/build: cpio: rename failed - Is a directory
error: kernel-default-devel-4.1.21-14.2.x86_64: install failed
Is the system all up to date? Also you should build as your user, not root, only install as root user.
zypper ref -f
zypper up
I downloaded the module, unpacked the zip file and built as my user without issues.
Am Sat, 11 Jun 2016 17:06:02 GMT
schrieb karusse <karusse@no-mx.forums.microfocus.com>:
> failed on file /lib/modules/4.1.21-14-default/build: cpio: rename failed
> - Is a directory
Well, it is not a good idea to manually fiddle around in system
directories and this is another text book example.
Normally, /lib/module/SOME_KERNEL_VERSION-default/build is a symbolic link and
not a directory.
This link is part of the package kernel-default-devel.
However, zypper/rpm can not install this link as there is already a directory of
that name.
This directory must have been added manually, I wonder by whom …
So remove that folder before reinstalling kernel-default-devel and stop messing
around in system directories if you don’t exactly know, what you are doing.
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
(R.J. Hanlon)