Linked views in Konqueror

Hi everyone,

i’m a SuSE user since 2002 and somehow i’ve always been able to adjust the environment i like more as i want (i use WindowMaker with applications from gnome and kde), but there is one issue that i haven’t still found a solution.

Since when the development of a file manager was focused on dolphin, the default behavior of Konqueror (as file manager) has changed a little… in particular when we come with the integration of the terminal console. In the “golden age” of konquero, a change on the directories tree produce a consequent change of directory in the integrated termianl console. Since two years ago, this behavior has stopped and i didn’t find anything that could restablish it.

In the last two years, i used dolphin and also if it wasn’t my ideal (i had to endure the full root tree visualization instead of the home user tree in the left panel) it was working… until the 12.2 version of suse, where if i enter on a simbolyc linked directory in the main panel, the tree panle change to follow the real path… a behavior that is absolutely annoying…

I decided to go back to konqueror then, but, with my regret, the wrong integration with console is still present…

Does anyone know ho to solve this problem?? I’ve search over the internet and in this forum, but the only pieces of informations that i found was obsolete…

Thank in advance for the help.

M. E.

Hi, welcome to the forums

What’s your (open)SUSE version (BTW before others do, it’s SUSE and openSUSE these days. Some of us even date back to the S.u.S.E. days :)) ?
Things IMHO don’t make it easier since we’re talking a KDE application issue, whilst the application is not running in KDE. But, my guess is that you tried the behaviour in a full KDE desktop (guess correct?), and IIRC our staff member hcvv has some annoyances that relate to this one.

EDIT: Sorry, missed the 12.2 in your post. Checking my own install

It would be something to add as a Wish at kde bugs

If I understand OK, my Dolphin behaves like it should. If I click on a location in “Places”, the working directory in the terminal changes accordingly. Music is a symlink in my homedir, linked to /Extra?Music on a different partition. If I drag the symlink to “Places” and click it, the terminal says I’m in ~/Music, not /Extra/Music .

First: many thanks to all of you for this super-fast responses. Second: some clarification are mandatory. When i talk about suse, i’ll always refer to the SuSE… the first linux distro for which i fall in love… Also if, after many incarnations, at today the distro that i use is openSUSE 12.2, to me it always will be SuSE. My desktop environment will always be WindowMaker. Despite the good-looking of the kde, and the (disturbing) semplicity of gnome, to me WindowMaker is the only D.E. above the others. But this… is only religion, so it is not important. What is important is that since 2002 i occasionally had to fight with integration problems between applications specifically designed for other D.E. and WindowMaker. Sometimes i win, other times i had to fall back on other solutions. The last one was konqueror (two years ago) for which there was no linking between the main panel and the integrate console. I choosed to use Dolphin, in which the linking was functional. With openSUSE 12.2, dolphin work great with the linkings… too much great. Let’s explain this: consider to have 2 disks with differents partitions. In one disk, (tipically a ssd one) you have a partition with yours S.O. (a.k.a. a suse, a debian and perhaps more…), a common one for the homes (shared between the S.O.), swap etc… In other words: working partitions. In the second disk (tipically an old fashioned disk-based drive with a lot of space), you have a little and fast partition (for multimedia encoding porpouse) and a big one partition (for archive porpouse). In other words: archive partitions. Now, to have a standard structure between all the S.O., you use simbolic links (ln -s) to create shortcut from your home to the space available in the partitions of the second disk. To explain, imagine that the situation is as the follow: /home/userX/Multimedia // A link to /mnt/Multimedia/userX directory /home/userX/Archive // A link to /mnt/Archive/userX directory obviously: home is a partition in disk A Multimedia is a partition in disk B Archive is a partition in disk B To navigate in your structure you use dolphin in a three views perspective: - left: the directories tree starting from root (the old konqueror allow to view only the user’s home… it was very nice… unfortunatly this is no more valid in dolphin) - main: the content of the current directory (with full detail… i don’t understand why people prefer to have only the icons…) - bottom: the integrate console… when a command line has to be written it is nice to have a console always ready The tree on the left has the “Multimedia” and “Archive” link/directories under the userX home directory, so that with a click on them it is possible to display their content in the main panel. In openSUSE 12.1, when i clicked on Multimedia, the tree doesn’t change position… and it was good!! In openSUSE 12.2, when i click on Multimedia, the tree receive the follow order: “go to the real position”. So, in the main panel i still see the content of Multimedia, but in the tree panel i am no more in the home of the userX, but i am now in /mnt/Multimedia/userX… This behavior is not only wrong to me, but also disturbing and inacceptable. So i have only two choices now: go back to konqueror (but he do not link with the integrated console) or stay with dolphin (but i’ll become crazy…). I do not have yet tested dolphin in a full kde environment, i’ll do as soon as possible… but i don’t think that there will be some differences: it does not appear to be a modification due to the environment, but a full change of behavior due to a programmers’ choice…

Dolphin does work, I agree
Konqueror does not

If I can add…

Dolphin is absolutely one of the best file managers I have the pleasure of using. Actually, second to none.

Same for me, but it took some time to get used to it (and for it to develop). I wouldn’t change it for the old konqueror from KDE3 now.