I link my version of PackageKit to PackageKit-branding-opensuse. Problem is, I need to modify some information, but in spec file occur information it is not good idea. Is there another way, to modify (for example: Package name)? Can I provide patch to .spec file inside OBS project directory?
I now see Packagekit-branding-OpenSUSE do not contain tar archive. So should I create a new project and link it to packagekit? Of course, do not create a tar archive.
I see show unmerged sources on web page of OBS. But this only apply to my projects. Probably, I can put patch for spec file there or override the spec file there. Any ideas how to save patch for spec file?
You cannot patch spec file.
PackageKit and PackageKit-branding-openSUSE (not -opensuse) are two entirely different things. You need to explain in more details what you are trying to achieve, not how.
I am developing my version of PackageKit. Not far, I merge my branch with master (called main) of PackageKit and do git format-patch. I decided to carry my patches on top of OpenSUSE version of PackageKit and provide package with my version, which replace installed version of PackageKit.
I need to change name of Package, for example. I see patches existing in directory of package are applied automatically.
You just repeat the same as before. You do not answer the question - what are you trying to achieve? Why do you need to change package name?
Would it not be better to create a PackageKit-branding-lachu package based on the openSUSE version?
Are your changes that invasive, why not upstream?
My changes is about adding possibility to solve dependencies by user, where error occur. It looks like in Yast, so dependencies are solved interactive. Of course, there are fallback mode. To handle dependencies by user, special daemon must listen on system BUS and session-helper must register on it.
Developers of PackageKit are not happy about my changes, as I remember. Anyway, developer of Discover told me: He cannot accept case, when somebody try to provide changes allowing user to destroy system.
Actually you can (for linked package). See example in openSUSE:Build Service Tips and Tricks - openSUSE Wiki