LILO not supported?


I am trying to install LILO as the boot loader durring my Suse11.2 install. However I keep getting the message that “LILO is not supported?” what does this mean? In a previous thread I have, a contributor pointed out that when I was using ext4, LILO didnt support this new formatt. So I was gonna rebuild to today, and I used ext3 but still get the same error?
Is it not possible to use LILO in 11.2? The reason I ask, is that I a trying to setup a macbook pro 5,3 with dual boot and all the guides, including the one here, all state to use LILO.

So can someone give me some suggestions. If I proceed with the install using the file system ext3 will it still work, or will it fail at the point of installing the bootloader like it did previously for me when I used file system ext4?

Thanks in advanced!


hi bin-bash

unfortunately, lilo is not supported for any the 11 series (opensuse & SLED) and of course, it didn’t work at all when trying to set-up the boot manager to my system in all the possible combinations shown at install time.

the last versions with a working lilo were SLED10 & opensuse 10.3

I had lots of issues with grub (that’s why i used lilo i the first place) messing my dual boot and stuff, and i finally tried “trusted grub” which is a graphic-less grub, only text but it does its work like it’s supposed to be.

i’m adding you 2 posts i sent while i was struggling with the lilo/grub combination:

using LILO with new suse installations - openSUSE Forums

SLED11 beta - problem with grub, lilo & xp (HELP!) - openSUSE Forums

as i wrote previously, i am now using grub (because i had to) as i still am a lilo lover :wink:

hope this info helps

Search for lilo, it’s there.