i tried to install the GAMBAS, an implementation of a graphical development environment based on a BASIC interpreter in openSuse11.0
i encounter a problem in “configure,make,make install” procedure.
There was a problem with file /usr/lib/libSDL_mixer.la.
make script failed due to wrong lib path of this file.
i open it in kwrite /usr/lib/libSDL_mixer.la and change
the line
dependency_libs=’ -L/usr/local/lib /usr/local/lib/libSDL.la -lm -ldl -lpthread’
to correct path
dependency_libs=’ -L/usr/lib /usr/lib/libSDL.la -lm -ldl -lpthread’
and my problem was solved.
Then i run again “configure,make,make install” script and finally i installed GAMBAS
in openSuse11.0
i report this issue as a bug in libSDL_mixer.la
Demosthenes Koptsis