Greetings, gentlemen.
There was very useful thing in previous version of OpenOffice (on OpenSuse 11.3), EuroOffice formula converter. It
converted formulas to png images, and the docmuents made in OOo were opened in MS Office perfectly.
Now I have LibreOffice 3.3.1 (on OpenSuse 11.4) and EuroOffice formula converter fails to work
When I try to turn on this feature, I have the following message:
<type ‘exceptions.AttributeError’>: ‘module’ object has no attribute
‘writeRegistryInfo’, traceback follows
/usr/lib64/libreoffice/basis-link/program/ in function
writeRegistryInfo() [return mod.writeRegistryInfo( self.ctx.ServiceManager, regKey )]
and after that:
( {{ Message = “<type
‘exceptions.AttributeError’>: module’ object has no attribute ‘writeRegistryInfo’,
traceback follows\X000a /usr/lib64/libreoffice/basis-
link/program/ in function writeRegistryInfo(0 [return
mod.wrtiteRegisrtyInfo( self.ctx.ServiceManager, regKey )]\X000a”, Context =
( @0 }}
OS: OpenSuse 11.4 64 bit
Maybe, it’s OpenSuse bug, I don’t know. Please help.
Best regards, Aleksey.