LibreOffice Base Issues with 13.2

I recently migrated to 13.2 from 13.1 (clean install new drive) previously running LO Build ID: 410m0(Build:2) and now running LO Build ID: 430m0(Build:2). Running the new LO Base I see two issues:

First - Base wizards do not run in tables, query, forms or reports
Second - Creation of table, query, form or reports in design view work fine.
Third - When I try to run a report I get the following message

the document report 1 could not be opened
javaloader error - could not find class

I would appreciate guidance or direction to handle these issues since the pevious LO Base served my needs but the present one does not


Install libreoffice from the LibreOffice:4.3 repo (add the repo in YaST’s Community Repositories and switch libreoffice (all packages to be sure) to the version from this repo:, and it should work.
You also need the package pentaho-reporting-flow-engine for opening reports, this is probably not installed automatically.

Thanks for your note and suggestions. Looking at Yast and alternative build services repro the replacement I see for LO installed is All the others are lesser numbers of the sequence. Is this correct? The pento package installed without incident.

Yes, this is indeed the package from LibreOffice:4.3.
Just installing that should solve the problem.

But I’d still recommend to switch all libreoffice packages to the versions from that repo, otherwise you might (will) get problems whenever there is an update. And the repo contains slightly newer versions of most things, where additional bugs might be fixed.
See SDB:Vendor change update - openSUSE Wiki in particular for an easy way to do that.

Thank you again for your help. I have switched all LibreOffice packages to the build service version. All parts of the Base package work as expected.:slight_smile:

Dident Help me… Libreoffice latest repo? Yast2 Repo? and…


Open YaST->Software Repositories, click on “Add”, choose “Community Repositories”, and click on “Next”. Add the “openSUSE BuildService - LibreOffice” repo there.
Then enter YaST->Software Management, click on “View”->Repositories, select the newly added “openSUSE BuildService - LibreOffice” repo and do a “full repository vendor change update” as explained in the link I posted.
And you should also install the package “pentaho-reporting-flow-engine”.

Or just run this:

sudo zypper ar LO
sudo zypper dup --from LO
sudo zypper in pentaho-reporting-flow-engine

What is? “SDB:Vendor change update - openSUSE Wiki

I prefer Os native.


or “

and no functions for LO Base and reports?



I prefer Os native.

That repo is “Os native”.
If you don’t want to add additional repos, well. As you noticed yourself, this is broken in the packages included in 13.2. So you cannot use reports.

If you want this fixed in the standard packages, find out what goes wrong during build, fix it, and submit an update.
I suppose you can’t?
Well, I haven’t found out why this is broken yet either.

So use the additional repo or just don’t use reports at all.

What do you mean with that question?

There is no LibreOffice:Stable any more, yes. But there is LibreOffice:4.3, available in the Community Repositories list as mentioned. And reports do work with those packages.