LibreOffice 7.3 availability

Does anyone know what the roadmap is for LibreOffice 7.3 for LEAP 15.4?

I assume that you know the version policy of Leap. You think they would be a deviation from it?

For openSUSE Leap 15.4 run the following as root:

zypper addrepo
zypper refresh
zypper install libreoffice

Choose which LO to install and go on.

I assume that various Apps, including LO, are updated from time to time, and integrated as possible. The current LO Leap 15.4 has a significant issue with the generation of Base reports that I look forward to being solved.

It seems that you are not quite used to the Leap version policy.

When a Leap version is finished and release, the versions of the software packages on it are frozen after integrated testing. Only security patches and very annoying fixes (so called recommended patches) are provide via the Update mechanism. They are often back-ported on that version when the maintainer of a software only publishes a patch for a newer version.

This is the stability Leap makes the favorite of many. No surprises of a new version of a program with a maybe changed the user interface only because one updates to have a save and secure system.

So in the case of a new version of LibreOffice, that will probably go into the next Leap version (when ready in time for integrated testing). But that will not stop people from e.g. building the new LibreOffice for Leap 15.4 (and even 15.3) using the Open Build Service (or otherwise) and make it available. And that is what apparently is done seeing the pointer of @Svyatko.

Thus not an “official” change to Leap 15.4, but nevertheless an opportunity for those who feel a strong urge to try the new LibreOffice.

Unfortunately, I had forgotten that the LO version mentioned by @Svyatko is precisely the version that fails. I had reverted to LO 7.2 to avoid the problem, but would otherwise prefer to work with 7.3. being the current version (actually 7.3.5) from The Document Foundation, as addressed and covered by their documentation. I am not expert enough to know whether installation of 7.3.5. from TDF would create more problems than it solves.

LO 7.3 is in Experimental repo, i.e. no stability is guaranteed. Create bug report if you want some issue being solved.
I had issue with Audacious from Experimental repo, and, after bug report and my participation, the problem was solved.
Participation and contributing, and not just reading road maps - that is the way of solving problems in free software world.

Also you can download LO from LO website.

A bug report exists at The Document Foundation (bug 148841) for the Base report issue, and it was supposedly solved, but I have no visibility on the release of a corresponding LO version under Leap 15.4.

Thanks folks. I now understand that there was a solution all along, under Bug 1195634](1195634 – Base Report does not work). It needed the addition of a class path and it works again. Sorry for causing you all that trouble