LIbre Office not opening

When I try to open any Libre Office product, it shows the initial logo loading up, it even shows that initial tip box, and if it’s an CSV, it will even show that configuration screen with the data, but when it tries to actually open the product (Calc, Writer, etc) it shows a thin black line in the middle of the screen and nothing else.

I tried re-installing according to other posts recommendations for the same issue, but it didn’t worked.

What can I do to fix it?

Start it from a terminal and watch for relevant output. Post it here in preformatted text </> tags.

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Hi, thanks for the reply, bu unfortunely libreoffice --calc just opens calc in the described way before, with nothing at all displayed on terminal. And libreoffice --calc --backtrace enters in a debug mode an saves a log that is not readable ( Is there abother way that I can save the log file?

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Maybe from the command line do:

libreoffice --calc --safe-mode

Another option to try is to create a new user and log into that new acct.
Then execute libreoffice and see if there is a difference.

It looks like it is just on a “rolled window up”. Did you try to right mouse click the thin black line to see if there are options to roll it down?

You mentioned you reinstall libreoffice, if you uninstall it you have to first delete libreoffice in your /home/user/.config before reinstalling for a fresh start.

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BlockquoteDid you try to right mouse click the thin black line to see if there are options to roll it down?

Omg it worked. I’ve tried everything for weeks to the point I gave up. And I just needed to click and drag the line to resize the window … I don’t know how it’s possible, but all started after a bad update (had other issues with it).

Thanks! Now I can stop uploading files to google spreadsheet. :smiling_face_with_tear:


Glad to see it worked. :smiley:

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