Libre Office Expert Needed For Adjusting Fonts In Transferred Documents

I transferred a txt.rtf file via Dropbox to my KDE computer. The whole thing is text. It has larger centered titles on pages that were created in a file with a continuous format, meaning no pages just one long page.

The font was Tahoma. The centered larger fonts were at 25 and the body of the text were set to 16.

The file was created in both the Apple Text Edit program and Open Office. There were differences but Open Office had Tahoma.

In Libre Office it recognized Tahoma if I highlighted a word but it has no Tahoma in its font selection menu. When I say recognized I mean that the name Tahoma would appear in the font name window.

For a reason unknown to me the last few pages of the document have a different font. When highlighting text in that area the name of the font does not appear in the font box. I don’t know which font it is and I really don’t want it. I want all of the text to be in Tahoma.

So I need two things. Is there a font in Libre Office that is identical to Tahoma but with a different name? With that I can just select it and move on.

The other thing I need to do is change the existing text that is not correct to the Tahoma font or its equivalent.

If I highlight all of that text with the larger text and smaller text together, I fear that when I select the new font name that all of the text will be converted to just one size and not keep the large and small fonts intact.

There are over 150 pages with the incorrect font. Many of them have different sized letters.

This is the first thing to fix with Libre Office. I’ll ask about the others later. This is my first time using it and I’m not really impressed. It is very slow to highlight things and to react to inputs other than typing. When altering the font size of highlighted text it barely responds or doesn’t respond. Is this common for this application?

I will continue to share and modify documents with different computers and the files are stored in Dropbox. That is how I transfer files and collaborate on files. This particular file will also continue to be added to by both OSs. I need a solution for this other than switching to Open Office. I’ve read that Libre Office is supposed to be an improvement.

Let me know what can be done.

Thank you.


On Wed 10 Jul 2013 12:16:01 AM CDT, Smallwheels wrote:

I transferred a txt.rtf file via Dropbox to my KDE computer. The whole
thing is text. It has larger centered titles on pages that were created
in a file with a continuous format, meaning no pages just one long page.

The font was Tahoma. The centered larger fonts were at 25 and the body
of the text were set to 16.

The file was created in both the Apple Text Edit program and Open
Office. There were differences but Open Office had Tahoma.

In Libre Office it recognized Tahoma if I highlighted a word but it has
no Tahoma in its font selection menu. When I say recognized I mean that
the name Tahoma would appear in the font name window.

For a reason unknown to me the last few pages of the document have a
different font. When highlighting text in that area the name of the font
does not appear in the font box. I don’t know which font it is and I
really don’t want it. I want all of the text to be in Tahoma.

So I need two things. Is there a font in Libre Office that is identical
to Tahoma but with a different name? With that I can just select it and
move on.

The other thing I need to do is change the existing text that is not
correct to the Tahoma font or its equivalent.

If I highlight all of that text with the larger text and smaller text
together, I fear that when I select the new font name that all of the
text will be converted to just one size and not keep the large and small
fonts intact.

There are over 150 pages with the incorrect font. Many of them have
different sized letters.

This is the first thing to fix with Libre Office. I’ll ask about the
others later. This is my first time using it and I’m not really
impressed. It is very slow to highlight things and to react to inputs
other than typing. When altering the font size of highlighted text it
barely responds or doesn’t respond. Is this common for this application?

I will continue to share and modify documents with different computers
and the files are stored in Dropbox. That is how I transfer files and
collaborate on files. This particular file will also continue to be
added to by both OSs. I need a solution for this other than switching to
Open Office. I’ve read that Libre Office is supposed to be an

Let me know what can be done.

Thank you.


You need to install the Tahoma font, either system wide or in ~/.fonts
directory and run the fc-cache command to update the font cache.

How, where etc to obtain the font is up to you…

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 12.3 (x86_64) Kernel 3.7.10-1.16-desktop
up 4:55, 3 users, load average: 0.06, 0.16, 0.15
CPU AMD Athlon™ II P360@2.30GHz | GPU Mobility Radeon HD 4200

Thank you for assisting. How do I do these things?

On Wed 10 Jul 2013 12:46:01 AM CDT, Smallwheels wrote:

malcolmlewis;2570734 Wrote:
> Hi
> You need to install the Tahoma font, either system wide or in ~/.fonts
> directory and run the fc-cache command to update the font cache.
> How, where etc to obtain the font is up to you…

Thank you for assisting. How do I do these things?

I suggest a google for tahoma.ttf and tahomabd.ttf

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 12.3 (x86_64) Kernel 3.7.10-1.16-desktop
up 5:35, 3 users, load average: 0.15, 0.11, 0.13
CPU AMD Athlon™ II P360@2.30GHz | GPU Mobility Radeon HD 4200

On 2013-07-10 03:04, malcolmlewis wrote:

>> Thank you for assisting. How do I do these things?

> I suggest a google for tahoma.ttf and tahomabd.ttf

cer@Telcontar:~> locate tahoma

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)

On 2013-07-10 02:16, Smallwheels wrote:
> I need a solution for this other than switching to
> Open Office. I’ve read that Libre Office is supposed to be an
> improvement.

Libre Office and OpenOffice should be more or less equivalent, and both
support more formats than rtf. Both should support .odt, the open
document text format, more powerful than rtf. You can adjust the font
used in the master (Default) style, and all styles that inherit from it
get the same “parent” font in their particular sizes.

I just tried.

I created a document with 3 lines. The first used “default”, the second
“text body”, the third “marginalia”. I just changed the font of the
first to “tork” font, and all 3 lines changed. As expected and wanted.

Of course, you have to create your document using styles: if you use
fonts directly, without using styles, you waste your time.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)

Try installing the free Microsoft fonts. I am not sure if it has Tahoma. Try it and if it doesn’t contain Tahoma, send me a private message with your email address and I will give you a copy of the Tahoma font from my machine.

sudo zypper install fetchmsttfonts

Once you have the Tahoma fonts installed, simply highlight the entire text and go to Format>Character>Font to choose the font and language; leave style and size untouched - otherwise everything, including your headings, will be the same style and size.

On 2013-07-10 22:36, syampillai wrote:
> Try installing the free Microsoft fonts. I am not sure if it has Tahoma.

But wine does.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)