libopenssl-devel requires older version of libopenssl

I need to install libopenssl-devel in order to build torque+maui but it requires an earlier version of libopenssl than is the repository. It does offer to let me download but I’m using a virtual private server secured by SSL keys so rolling back is not an option for security reasons. Is there any way I can resolve this ?

I’ve found this security update:

Which should address the issue via updating libopenssl and the devel to the same version but when I try and zypper in the patch, I get:

‘openSUSE-2015-447=1’ not found in package names. Trying capabilities.
No provider of ‘openSUSE-2015-447=1’ found.

Am I missing a repository ? I only have the default ones currently

Okay, after some more looking I’ve discovered that the mirror we use doesn’t have a bunch of the 13.2 stuff up yet. I’m trying to revert to the official repositories now , and that worked fine for the updates but there’s no repo file in , how do I add this as a repository ?

With YaST->Software Repositories, or:

zypper ar -f *URL* *ALIAS*

(the ‘-f’ turns on auto-refresh)

Or you can also just edit or copy (and then modify the copy) the existing repo file in /etc/zypp/repos.d/.

PS: the link you posted is the Non-OSS repo, that does not contain libopenssl.
You rather want this for the update repo: