Leap42.2 and TEamViewer

Fresh installed LEAP42.2

# zypper in ./teamviewer_11.0.67687.i686.rpm 
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...

Problem: nothing provides libjpeg.so.62 needed by teamviewer-11.0.67687-0.i686
 Solution 1: do not install teamviewer-11.0.67687-0.i686
 Solution 2: break teamviewer-11.0.67687-0.i686 by ignoring some of its dependencies

Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [1/2/c] (c): 

What can i do ?


may need the 32 bit libjpeg package

where i can found libjpeg.so.62 32bit in the Leap42.2 ?

Should be in regular repos but I don’t have 42.2 yet here

Can not found in the Leap 42.2

Try to grab it from the leap 42.1 repo:

Or you could try to symlink the 64bit version (already installed by default on Leap 42.2) in the lib folder

In my case I ended up downloading the TeamViewer 12 Beta tar.xz package, it contains everything to run it without this particular dependency.

Also, I downloaded the i386 RPM package for openSUSE Leap 42.1 from here, so you could try this first if you want a stable version, but since TV was already installed I can’t say if this worked out the issue.

Let us know how it went



I had a brand-new Leap42.2. and the same problem. I downloaded and installed the 32-bil libjpeg.so.62 (“libjpeg62-32bit-62.1.0-31.1.x86_64.rpm”) from Leap42.1 as suggested.
Afterwards teamviewer 11-installation worked flawlessly.

Thanks for thge proposal!:slight_smile:

  • 1
    OK :slight_smile:

Thank your ALL !


Maybe need to report in bugzilla that the package is missing in 42.2

This issue has been triaged, I ran into it and reported it -> tacit on #suse fixed up a package for the update repo and it’s now been released.

Installing Teamviewer should be no problem if you have the 42.2 normal update repo enabled.