Leap 42.2 Yast / Software Management crashing

No idea what to do. After a while, I realized there had been updates and rebooted computer, and it worked. But it doesn’t work anymore. At some point during the update proceedure, the Software Management window just closes. Appreciate any help as am just learning Linux.

It sounds like a bug of some kind. Does it always die at the same step? If so, what is it doing at the point where it dies? If you start doing updates manually with Yast does it close by itself also? Any problems with zypper (sudo zypper update) from inside of the terminal?

Problems with Yast are often caused by an incorrect repo ie mixed package versions. Is this a upgrade or afresh install? Show us repo list

zypper lr -d

Are you sure that an error occurred? If you are just installing patches via YaST Online Update, the window will close automatically once the update process has completed successfully.

Hi, please provide as much info as you can. F.e. which desktop environment you’re running etc.

To make sure what’s going on, please open a terminal window ( KDE’s konsole, or GNOME’s gnome-terminal ) and do

(enter your root password, when prompted}
sudo zypper clean
sudo zypper ref
sudo zypper up

If error messages are displayed, select them with your mouse, hit Ctrl+Shift+c to copy and past it here, between CODE tags, the # in the layout ribbon.

Well, as chance be have it, I’m seeing similar with Yast SM today (and it was working fine yesterday). Here’s what occurs:

Kmenu > System > Yast … prompt for su password, correctly enter it and then Yast opens up just fine. Then open the SM module and it loads the repos and refreshes them and then … it closes before you even see the default first screen (i.e. search for packages, patterns etc).

The YOU module (which doesn’t much matter on TW, but would on Leap)) is also unable to fully open up, but all other modules that I tested open fully and are functional.

However, here’s the part that is funny: I can open the SM module in a number of other different fashions and it works perfectly. E.g.:

  • ncurses
  • /sbin/yast2 sw_single
  •                   xdg-su -c '/sbin/yast2 sw_single' 
  • yast2 --qt sw_single &

rotfl! So, if someone has an idea of why the traditional approach doesn’t work, I’m all ears.

PS - This has happened to me a couple of times before. I have found in the past that it tends to be the next set of yast package updates that are installed which have “auotmagically” resolved the issue … until the next time

thank you Knurpht, I ran through your commands, had 23 packages upgraded. Tried Yast / SM again, nothing. Rebooted, and same problem.
Same problem Tyler_K describes, and it doesn’t seem like chance is a factor.
Sorry for late response.

I’m not familiar with the options Tyler_K posted. Are those command line options? I’m doing an online tutorial and don’t know how to even install software yet. Yast SM seems like something I need…

You can use zypper alos to update. You may be caught with inconsistent yast packages do

sudo zypper up

from a konsole

Three of them are; ncurese is an interface to Yast (Yast has a couple of different interfaces), though you launch it (the ncurses interface) from command line too.

I’m doing an online tutorial and don’t know how to even install software yet. Yast SM seems like something I need…
Indeed, the GUI interface would be good for you.

If you’re still having trouble, you can test as I did by opening up a terminal window (i.e. the app called konsole, if your using KDE, is one such application) and try the following:

/sbin/yast2 sw_single

that should open up the gui version of the software manager, but only with user permissions

xdg-su -c '/sbin/yast2 sw_single'

this is the proper intended way to open up, as root, a gui app in a user desktop session

For what its worth, my problem “magically” cleared itself up a couple of days ago … not sure why. It could have been due an update pulled in via zypper.

Thank you Tyler, that last one seems to have worked. Still won’t work from main Yast menu, even with all updates and zypper running clean, and rebooted.

Out of curiousity, when it didn’t work for you, was that the sort of thing you filled a bug report for, or did you not bother if you had a workaround?

Glad to hear you, at least, have a viable workaround until function is restored to the “regular/intended” method of accessing the Software Management module.

Still won’t work from main Yast menu, even with all updates and zypper running clean, and rebooted.

Out of curiosity, when it didn’t work for you, was that the sort of thing you filled a bug report for, or did you not bother if you had a workaround?
It’s not that I wouldn’t bother, its more of a case of time (devoting time to do so – i.e. providing a proper description etc). The other factor is that, when this has occurred for me in the past:

  • on TW – updates are frequent, so (as I’d mentioned) future Yast changes have always seemed to have “re-set or restored” things to a proper state … and in those cases were it’s not been isolated to just me observing this (i.e other TW users have somehow had their system impacted too by some change), the corrective update(s) have been quick to come about (likely or possibly because of the collective user feedback about the situation).
  • on the stable releases – I don’t recall being impacted without it being the case that other users were too … and the hew and cry from the wider circle brought about quick resolution too

So, my personal approach to it has been to just sit tight and use the work around (as I don’t recall a time when such has not worked) and see if things “automagically” sort themselves out. When a bit of time passes with no change, I typically ask in the forums if anyone else has noticed such behaviour … it all depends upon how pressing a matter it is. When I have a workaround, I’m not too concerned (though look to see that proper function is returned; as that’s the way it should be, or rather, the ideal state of affairs). In this matter, I have two workarounds (the set of command line pathways I mentioned above) and doing package management with zypper … As it is, its through zypper that I typically do things. Yast SM is just a nice fallback or for times where I prefer a gui/visual presentation for looking at package management related tasks

I’ll just add that I’ve noticed that there have been a couple of other threads recently in the forums about either SM directly or Yast itself not being able to launch correctly … No direct relation that I see, but the timing (though likely coincidental) also raises the spectre of perhaps something seemingly innocuous has crept into the code upstream and is now having differing negative impacts downstream.


Most of the crashes or launching problems have been from the users mixing repos.:wink:

That is true. … though, I thought I had spotted a couple that looked more on the lines of QT related mishaps. Perhaps I’m mistaken. No big deal either way.

I’ve been having this problem for a while and when I found this thread, I thought I would try the yast2 sw_single suggestion. I still experienced the window crashing, but at least I now have an error code to go with it.

> /sbin/yast2 sw_single
YaST got signal 11 at file /usr/share/YaST2/modules/PackagesUI.rb:312
sender PID: 504
/sbin/yast2: line 440: 12244 Segmentation fault $ybindir/y2base $module “$@” “$SELECTED_GUI” $Y2_GEOMETRY $Y2UI_ARGS

Often this type of problem is due to mixing repos. Show repo list zypper lr -d

Still having problems with Yast from GUI.

| Alias | Name | Enabled | GPG Check | Refresh | Priority | Type | URI | Service

1 | Google-Chrome | Google-Chrome | Yes | (r ) Yes | No | 99 | rpm-md | http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/rpm/stable/x86_64 |
2 | download.nvidia.com-leap | nVidia Graphics Drivers | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | Index of /opensuse/leap/42.1 |
3 | google-chrome | google-chrome | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/rpm/stable/x86_64 |
4 | openSUSE-42.1-0 | openSUSE-42.1-0 | No | ---- | Yes | 99 | yast2 | hd:///?device=/dev/disk/by-id/usb-Generic_Flash_Disk_YTAI1011021526501924-0:0-part2 |
5 | repo-debug | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Debug | No | ---- | Yes | 99 | NONE | http://download.opensuse.org/debug/distribution/leap/42.1/repo/oss/ |
6 | repo-debug-non-oss | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Debug-Non-Oss | No | ---- | Yes | 99 | NONE | http://download.opensuse.org/debug/distribution/leap/42.1/repo/non-oss/ |
7 | repo-debug-update | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update-Debug | No | ---- | Yes | 99 | NONE | http://download.opensuse.org/debug/update/leap/42.1/oss |
8 | repo-debug-update-non-oss | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update-Debug-Non-Oss | No | ---- | Yes | 99 | NONE | http://download.opensuse.org/debug/update/leap/42.1/non-oss/ |
9 | repo-non-oss | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Non-Oss | No | ---- | Yes | 99 | NONE | http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/leap/42.1/repo/non-oss/ |
10 | repo-oss | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Oss | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes | 99 | yast2 | http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/leap/42.1/repo/oss/ |
11 | repo-source | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Source | No | ---- | Yes | 99 | NONE | http://download.opensuse.org/source/distribution/leap/42.1/repo/oss/ |
12 | repo-update | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | http://download.opensuse.org/update/leap/42.1/oss/ |
13 | repo-update-non-oss | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update-Non-Oss | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | http://download.opensuse.org/update/leap/42.1/non-oss/ |
linux-hk2f:~ #

Please do not use the QUOTE tags around copied/pasted terminal text, use CODE tags. It is the # button in the tool bar of the post editor.

BTW, I doubt it is good idea to hang your problem at the end of an old thread. People looking for new threads with titles that draw their attention because the subject is of within their knowledge range, will not see you problem.

It is only found by incident by goglathorpe and me.

In any case, despite the not very readable list of repos, my opinion is that it looks good. One thing is that you seem to have that Chrome one twice!. Better remove one.

To make sure you are up-to-date better first do (as root):

zypper ref
zypper up

after that check YaST again.