I have had a few lock-ups on my generic quad AMD core, 8 Gb system. It seems every time a lock-up occurs the disk activity light stays on and the system load display shows 100% ram usage and no swap space being used, Is there some control to turn swap on or off or some command to display if swap is turned on? I do have swap space allocated which is /dev/sda1 with 2.01 Gb allocated. The partition manager in Yast does show that it is formatted as swap space.
You can see swap use with any of the following commands:
cat /proc/swaps
swapon -s
free -m
Thank you. I will see what happens…
When using the Free tool (and top which is the same info)
I wrote the following to assist understanding what is displayed
Run smartctl to check the drive. What you report may indicate bad sectors