Leap 42.1 / 13.2 live usb sticks?

Is there a way to run these versions from the USB stick? The options seem to be only to install or upgrade?
I have had trouble with more recent kernels and would like to see if the new kernels work ok before upgrading my system.



Hi, there is no official “live” version for Leap, but liveDVDs for 13.2 are available here: http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/13.2/iso/

There are a few live DVD built by members and based on Leap in the OBS, or you might try the Tumbleweed live versions available here: http://download.opensuse.org/tumbleweed/iso/

The best way to burn all those images to an usb stick is by image-writer https://software.opensuse.org/package/imagewriter

If you already have a working openSUSE 42.1/13.2 installation (on your desktop/notebook) you can copy that to an USB stick, adjust the configuration and then use the USB-stick for testing.

I always keep a copy of my current desktop installation on an USB stick (as a rescue system).



A Leap-based live version is openSUSE_Argon available here: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/Medias/images/iso/
It has an Unstable version of KDE, so if you see something odd don’t be too afraid; but the base system including the kernel is that of the “regular” Leap 42.1.

I will try this.

