Just discovered in vim, kate and leafpad, plus Konxole that automatic syntax highlighting no longer seems to be an “enhanced console” (and certain apps) openSUSE feature.
I considered it a particularly valuable feature through maybe a decade of openSUSE versions,
If you wanted to do some quick and dirty coding,
You wouldn’t have to install a “real” coding editor,
All you’d need to do is open in an enhanced console or app…
You’d for example easily identify unclosed tags easily.
Upon closer inspection,
I wonder if any of the long-standing console and app enhancements exist any more…
Some of enhancements appear to now be standard configurable option in chosen terminals and apps, but beyond that may have been dropped.
Of course,those terminals and apps (like vim) that support plugins might be customized but it’s too bad some of these things seem to be no longer openSUSE features.
On 2018-07-02, tsu2 <tsu2@no-mx.forums.microfocus.com> wrote:
> Just discovered in vim, kate and leafpad, plus Konxole that automatic
> syntax highlighting no longer seems to be an “enhanced console” (and
> certain apps) openSUSE feature.
I can’t speak for kate or leafpad, but for the automated syntax highlighting in Vim and konsole are the same as in Leap
42.3 KDE as for Leap 15.0 Leap, but perhaps for geek-credentials my konsole profile uses Linux colours. Or perhaps you
are referring to something else. I can’t see how an `enhanced console’ setting would be shared across Vim, kate, leafpad
and konsole.
Don’t know the background for this feature.
Suspect it was part of a codebase created long ago and might have been overlooked or intentionally disregarded with the most recent migration changes to SUSE codebase (Is/was there a strategy to migrate more basic system components first, and with LEAP 15 migrating more apps?)
I don’t think there was necessarily a common codebase of enhancements applied to many apps, there might have been modifications made to each individual app.
I’ll take another look at vim,
But my most recent experiments did <not> automatically apply syntax highlighting.
I’m less concerned about vim because I know plugins exist to apply syntax highlighting and auto tag closing.
But, I don’t know that those exist for our standard graphical text editors.
If I understand what you are saying then if I edit test and put in then the 2nd ] highlights both. Same with {}. It doesn’t with things like <head> or <?php ?> unless I use the correct extension (test.html or test.php).
This is unclear to me. Do you mean the correct highlighting is not automatically selected for a particular language? I use Kate primarily for coding work and it usually picks the correct highlighting depending on what file extension is being used, but not always. In Kate I’ve had to go to Settings > Configure Kate > Open/Save then click the Modes and File Types tab. Then you can specify which MIME type to use with a particular file extension. I’ve also seen some file extensions listed under multiple MIME types, in which case, you should probably remove the ones you don’t want.
I think this is what you are getting at, but I’m not entirely sure. Kate is my primary editor (in fact one of the reasons I use KDE), I don’t use the others very often.
Updated my Desktop machine to Leap 15.0 a couple of days ago.
I’ve checked the highlighting of a couple of Lilypond (music engraving) source files with the Leap 15.0 VIM and Kate – both editors highlight OK – VIM seems to to a better job from a musical point of view …
Also checked a master CMakeLists file – also both OK.
Also checked C source and header files – also both OK.
KDevelop also looks OK.