Leap 15 PHP7 Zend

I’ve just discovered something which is confusing me. I recently updated to Leap 15, which includes PHP7. According to phpinfo the Zend Engine is 3.2.0 but when I ran into a problem and started looking at the Zend files in /usr/share/php7/Zend and also at yast, it appears that the Zend version is 1.12.20. So why is phpinfo saying something different and why is an old, and apparently incompatible, version of Zend Framework being installed?

Zend Engine is not Zend framework. Zend engine is core part of PHP written in C/C++ and every PHP application use it. Zend framework is similar to Symfony/Nette/Laravel/Cake/… framework, it is written in PHP, only some applications use it and Zend framework is not in standard openSUSE repositories. So it is probably some package from some your old installation from external repository.

I’m not exactly sure of the sequence of events but what I do know is that php7-ZendFramework comes from repository http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/server:/monitoring/openSUSE_Leap_15.0. Are you saying that this is not an official OpenSUSE repository? If it is an official repository then why does it have a framework referred to as php7 when the version it contains is old and not compatible with php7.

It is marked as experimental repository according to openSUSE Software . Official Zend Framework page says that this version is already two years without support: Zend Framework 1.12.20 Released! - Blog - Zend Framework . If you don’t need it as dependency for other package, but you need it for some yours php project, I recommend download a new version via composer package manager: Install - Zend Framework (only framework, ignore the commercial for Zend Server) , openSUSE Software

What makes you think that the Zend Framework v1.12.20 is not compatible with the PHP7 distributed with Leap-15.0?
The 3.2.0 that you see in the phpinfo.php page refers to the engine that was used to produce the page script.
Are you sure that you actually need the Zend Framework?

Two specific problems I found when trying to run webcaula. In Cache/Backend.php you get a warning the the each function is deprecated and in Cache/Backend.php you get a warning the count parameter must be an object that can be counter. For the former the solution is to change it to a foreach and the latter already has the solution in the script but it’s in the wrong place.

Those are the only things I’ve found and specifically because I use webacula. Mind you I also had to make some other changes to make it work and I don’t know whether they would have been necessary if I was using the latest Zend.

On the point about the package being marked experimental, I will admit that I hadn’t noticed. However I’m still not sure that it makes sense to provide any package which is known to be out of date, especially when this version has changed to a later version of PHP. Likely to be very confusing for non-technical people.