Noticed recently that, my /etc/vconsole.conf settings were unexpectedly changed – I use a German key layout Cherry CyMotion Linux keyboard and therefore the “localectl” output was a surprise.
I’ve raised a Bug Report addressing this issue – <> and I’m using the following admin/local-system systemd service as a work-around –
> cat /etc/systemd/system/restore-vconsole-settings.service
Description=Reset the parameter values in vconsole config systemd-vconsole-setup.service
# cat /root/bin/Reset_vconsole-conf
# Called by restore-vconsole-settings.service
# systemd unit file location: /etc/systemd/system/
systemd-cat --identifier=Admin echo "Start: \"Reset_vconsole-conf\""
localectl set-keymap de-nodeadkeys
localectl set-x11-keymap de cymotionlinux nodeadkeys terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp
systemd-cat --identifier=Admin echo "End: \"Reset_vconsole-conf\""
exit 0
# End of Reset_vconsole-conf
The Bug Report contains the details of what the system was doing during a boot and clues as to where the issue is triggered – AFAICS by the systemd display-manager service calling checks related to X11 keyboard settings …
Has anyone else noticed this?