Leap 15.6 sudden sleep fail

Leap 15.6 has been operating beautifully after upgrade a few months ago.

Every month I do a software refresh (zypper ref, zypper update).

A few days ago (early February 2025) I did a normal refresh and update.

Now suddenly when the computer wakes up from sleep it fails to find to find the splash screen with password field. All I get is a black-ish background and the white outline of a mouse pointer. The mouse pointer is responsive from the mouse. However I cannot tell if the keyboard is working. I tried entering the user password anyway but nothing happens.

On power down and up the computer boots normally and successfully.

A few hardware specs, ping me if I am missing something relevant.
Motherboard = Asus Prim X399-A
CPU = AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1950X
Graphics EVGA Geforce GTX 1060

Thank you

I am running into what seems to be the same issue. When my computer wakes from sleep it sticks on a black screen for 10+ seconds, shows me the cursor then freezes up again before showing me the log in screen.
Logging in after this will take me to my normal desktop but Plasma’s features like the task bar, start menu, and notifications are unresponsive and freeze my cursor if I mouse over them. They may eventually update but only once before freezing again.
Accompanying this are the occasional notifications from KWin saying “Desktop effects were restarted due to a graphics reset”.
This was also after an update in early February but I’m not sure which.

OS: OpenSUSE Leap 15.6 x86_64
DE: Plasma 5.27.11
WM: KWin
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 7700x
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti


You did not mention which desktop environment and windowing system you’re using.

Here’s a fast and easy test.

  • create a new user account
  • log out of your regular user account
  • log in to the new user account
  • be sure the account is set to Sleep
  • let it sleep for a few minutes

Wake it up … do you experience the same issue?

I have a similar issue too.
My system is running OpenSUSE 15.6 -
DE: KDE Plasma with X11
Videocard: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 6GB + NVidia driver
MB: Gigabyte H270M
CPU: Intel i5-7600

The issue is with the latest build of the nvidia driver - 550.144.03-lp156.30.1 works perfectly, 570.86.16-lp156.31.1 will wake up, but the X11 session has a cursor, but otherwise just a blank dark grey screen. If I switch to vtty1, the cli terminal works properly, just the x11 session that doesn’t.
I’ve tried updating the nvidia driver twice now with the same result. When I roll back to the older driver with snapper, everything works again.

Cheers, Ian

Can you test with Wayland? Wayland should work perfectly with the latest Nvidia drivers.

I am running KDE on X11.

Wayland was a total flawed no go flawed does not work when I tried it a few months ago.

I have had bad trouble with Nvida drivers in the past. I went to Nouveau to get away from Nvidia. I rue the day my workstation was built (by Windows gamers) with Nvidia.

I noticed on upgrade suddenly the defaults have changed sneaky w/o my permission back to Nvidia. I don’t recall how to get back to Nouveau. My bread crumbs were not sufficiently well done. I am often frustrated with my past self. It is a learning process.

I tried a temporary fix as described in Taskbar gone after waking from sleep - #27 by knurpht which gave me some information in stdout the next time the issue occurred and the desktop elements came to.

file:///usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/org.kde.image/contents/ui/main.qml:20: TypeError: Cannot read property 'pluginName' of null
file:///usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/org.kde.image/contents/ui/main.qml:75: TypeError: Cannot read property 'configuration' of null
file:///usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/org.kde.image/contents/ui/main.qml:78: TypeError: Cannot read property 'pluginName' of null
file:///usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/org.kde.image/contents/ui/main.qml:80: TypeError: Cannot read property 'configuration' of null
trying to show an empty dialog
file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.kickoff/contents/ui/KickoffListDelegate.qml:22: TypeError: Cannot read property 'configuration' of null
file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.kickoff/contents/ui/Kickoff.qml:29: TypeError: Cannot read property 'location' of null
file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.kickoff/contents/ui/Kickoff.qml:35: TypeError: Cannot read property 'formFactor' of null
file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.kickoff/contents/ui/Kickoff.qml:38: TypeError: Cannot read property 'configuration' of null
file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.panel/contents/ui/main.qml: Writing to "applet" broke the binding to the underlying model
file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.panel/contents/ui/main.qml: Writing to "applet" broke the binding to the underlying model

… is what is spit out all at once

I have also tried the fix of deleting my ~/.config/plasma-workspace folder and restarting. I will see if the issue persists