leap 15.5 on power8

Hello SUSE people,

I tried to install leap 15.5 on a power8 and ran into this: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/could-not-allocate-memory-rtas-grub-or-yaboot-ppcbe

I followed the instructions there but that only got me a few lines further before the same error kicked in again. I also tried tumbleweed which crashed with a slightly different error. However I guess tumbleweed doesn’t support power8 anymore but leap 15 should as far as I could find out.
So right now that means no SUSE for me. What can i do to get this working?

Thanks in advance for any hints!

Well, is SUSE 15 on power8 still supported?

@jmill That’s ppc64le? https://download.opensuse.org/ports/ppc/

May be. Have you tried to open service request with SUSE?

These are the ones, yes.

No, I don’t have a service contract. That’s why I asked here and also why I tried the opensuse versions.

@jmill Have a look here Evaluation Copy of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server | SUSE Select Rower and the version, I see SLES 15 SP6 there…

Okay, SUSE enterprise worked right away. Shouldn’t leap work then as well?

@jmill I would assume so, the only thing I can suggest is a bug report… openSUSE:Submitting bug reports - openSUSE Wiki

To be fair, the leap version I tried was 15.5 but enterprise was 15.6. I’ll try leap 15.6 and if that should fail as well I’ll file a bug report.

Leap 15.6 didn’t work either but I didn’t have to file a bug report because it has been reported already:

So the 15.5 and 15.6 installers are indeed broken. According to the report 15.4 was fine. As of yesterday the fix was still not applied to the 15.6 iso.

After a couple of tries I can confirm that leap 15.4 and older don’t have this problem. An online upgrade to 15.6 works as well.

A warning though, btrfs snapshots don’t work. If you enable that, booting the installed os afterwards fails and you end up with a crippled emergency prompt where nothing works. That aside it seems to work fine.

Tumbleweed is also affected by this and just like the leap 15.6 iso, the current snapshot isos don’t have the fix applied yet either.

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