Each time I open Dolphin and click on a folder it freezes for about 20 sec. Then clicking any button in Dolphin freezes it. It’s unusable. Is there anything to make it work again? Killing and restarting it doesn’t help.
It was working fine half a day ago. And now it doesn’t. Reminds me of another OS…
Looks like it might be (or might be not) related to mounting a switched off NAS. Although I’ve never had any problems with it before in Leap 15.4, it simply showed the remote server was not accessible. But now it simply freezes Dolphin. And clicking on the server folder while it’s switched off completely kills Dolphin. That never happened in Leap 15.4.
Dolphin has SMB access built-in – no need to configure Samba to do anything or to mount the remote SMB directory …
Please note that, it seems that, newer versions of Dolphin have a “Samba Filesharing Plugin” – it was built-in (Leap 15.4) but, it seems that it’ll become optional …
Apart from that, check that all the needed FUSE components have been installed – they should have been due to dependencies …
It also helps to have the Avahi systemd service enabled – “avahi-daemon.service” and “avahi-daemon.socket” …