Leap 15.4 checksums

15.3 Leap. Using XFCE. I just downloaded openSUSE-Leap-15.4-DVD-x86_64-Build6.1-Media.iso. I am now at https://en.opensuse.org/SDB:Download_help#Checksums which tells me

Before you burn your CD/DVD images, you should check the files for errors. A file named <some>.iso.sha256 is available. This file contains hashes for the corresponding ISO image that is available from that download location. 

The download location is https://get.opensuse.org/leap/15.4/#download but I see no files names ending in .sha256. Am I blind?

Browse to https://download.opensuse.org/distribution/leap/15.4/iso/ Not sure where Build6.1 came from?

No, you are not blind. But something seems messed up.

The main download site is the one mentioned by malcolmlewis, but that has release 243.2 with a date near May 30th.

Using your link, I clicked on the link to show mirrors. When I check the mirror at


I do see a Built 6.1 with a date of Oct 26th. And there are .sha256 and “*.sha256.asc” files at that mirror.

“Download” buttons are drop down lists, one of item is “Checksum”.

This [openSUSE-Leap-15.4-DVD-x86_64-Build6.1-Media.iso] is probably the first refresh of installation images that was planned, but I am not sure why it landed in “appliances”.

Click on the small black triangle next to the word “Download” and you will find the checksums to download…

I may have lost some brain cells. Can I clarify the situation?
I have already downloaded a file labeled Updated Offline Image with the name openSUSE-Leap-15.4-DVD-x86_64-Build6.1-Media.iso. There seems to be no checksum for this, User hui tells me to

Click on the small black triangle next to the word "Download" and you will find the checksums to download...                 

when I do this nothing happens. It looks like you are suggesting I should download release 243.2 then update it to (supposedly) version 6.1. This sounds somewhat retrogressive to me, but I will do it if necessary.

Got there. Trying it now. Thanks.

Problem solved. Thanks to all of you.

I just tried that. When I click the triangle, I get a menu which includes “Checksum” as an option. So I clicked on “Checksum”. This was in “firefox” and it looked as if nothing happened. However, when I checked the usual download place, I saw that a 108 byte file had been downloaded, with the checksum.