Leap 15.2 Virtualbox -- can't find the Guest Tools .iso

I have installed OPEN SUSE 15.1 (KDE based), and then did an upgrade to 15.2 and that finally has me able to get Virtualbox (VB) to install and actually get my W10 guest running. :cool:

I went through Yast and made sure that the guest tools were installed. I have searched all over for the .ISO needed for VB to point the “CD” unit to for W10 to get the tools. :question:

I have run

zypper install virtualbox-guest-source

and it ran to completion (apparently successfully).

But I still can’t find that .ISO .

I even went to root (/) and in dolphin told it to search and went to lunch. I got back and it had not found it.

This is better luck that I had with SLED 15. I couldn’t get VB to get far enough it could start W10. :cool:

Anyone have any hints about what I’ve missed or am doing wrong?

I’ve been reading other VB postings and I do not see where I am having related issues since I get good display operations, mouse is a bit squirrelly (seriously, you have speed move the mouse to get it to move above a certain point on the display). Applications seem to come up OK. Libre Office seems to have installed correctly…

Just need to get tools in so I can get to shared folders.

Thanx in advance.

If you click on the Device Menu and select Insert Guest Additions - It will automatically down load it for you and mount it in the Virtual Maxhine.

The extension pack allows you to use USB and other features.

You probably want the extension pack I have scripted an install for it - it has to be run as root with VirtualBox stopped.

LLR1:~ # cat addvbext
vbv=`/usr/bin/VBoxManage --version | tr "r" "_"`
echo update VirtualBox
VBOX_VERSION=`/usr/bin/VBoxManage --version | awk -F_ {'print $1'}`
VBOX_EXT_VERSION=`/usr/bin/VBoxManage --version | awk -F_ {'print $1'}`
VBOX_EXT=`echo Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-${VBOX_EXT_VERSION}.vbox-extpack`
cd /tmp
/usr/bin/wget http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/$VBOX_VERSION/$VBOX_EXT
echo y | /usr/bin/VBoxManage extpack install --replace $VBOX_EXT
rm -f $VBOX_EXT
LLR1:~ # 

No Joy. :frowning:

The <Device> button/drop down does not match what you say/show or what the Oracle VB doc says it is to be. :question:

If you install Virtualbox from packages downloaded from the Oracle website, you would see what is in the documentation… You use the ISO plus C development tools to build your Guest Additions kernel modules.

If you install openSUSE as a Guest in Virtualbox regardless whether your Virtualbox came from Oracle or from the OSS,
The installation should detect you’re installing in Virtualbox and automatically install pre-built Guest Additions kernel modules.
The only way that won’t happen is if you block or otherwise blacklist the packages from being installed.
You can check that this has happened by searching for Virtualbox packages installed in your Guest system.
You can also check functionality by testing automatic display re-sizing, mounting a shared folder with the HostOS, cursor automatically is active when you float it over the machine console window (doesn’t require a click to grab focus or a keystroke combo to release).

So, there shouldn’t be a need to install Guest Additions from the ISO.
Exceptions to this would be…

  • If you’ve installed some version of Virtualbox that’s not the latest
  • You didn’t install your VM originally in Virtualbox, you did some kind of conversion from another virtualization technology or did a P2V bypassing the normal installation.


please show on the host:

zypper se -si virtualbox

If you have installed VirtualBox from the Oracle Webside/Repo, only that VirtualBox should be shown, nothing else.

If you have installed VirtualBox from the OSS Repo, nothing with (virtualbox-)guest should be shown.

The VirtualBox guest is Redmond’s Windows 10 – the VirtualBox Guest Additions for Windows are not in the openSUSE repositories …
Oracle’s Handbook: <Oracle® VM VirtualBox®;

  • The Windows ISO you drop into the the VirtualBox Host user’s directory “~/.config/VirtualBox/” is available here: <https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/&gt; – choose the VirtualBox version being used – for Leap 15.2 it’s currently 6.1.14 – download “VBoxGuestAdditions_6.1.14.iso” to the user’s “~/.config/VirtualBox/” directory.

Use “VBoxManage” – the Oracle handbook is here <Oracle® VM VirtualBox®; – to check which Guest Additions are currently installed – the VM has to be running.

  • “VBoxManage list vms”
  • “VBoxManage guestcontrol «VM name or UUID
    » list all”

In the VM, before you boot Windows, you need to point a CD drive to the Windows ISO you dropped into the user’s “~/.config/VirtualBox/” directory …