Leap 15.0 Beta: Launcher icon got hidden in lower left corner of screen

Hi, I am struggling to find the KDE Launcher icon (K with gear). I know it is hiding or being hidden in the lower left corner of the display screen, but I am struggling to locate and drag it out. Right now everything on the left side of the display seems to be cut off by the left edge of the monitor. Changing screen resolution from 1024x768x16 to 1280x1024x16 didn’t help. Can anyone show me how to fix this problem? Thanks a lot for your help.


PROBLEM SOLVED! (by accident!)

My monitor is a 19-inch ACER. I noticed that after signing in, the openSUSE Leap Desktop seems to be shifted left, leaving a 1/2 inch black gap on the right side. Playing with the buttons underneath the monitor, the “e AUTO” button shifts the desktop display to the center and I was able to see the “gecko” icon (“Application Menu”) at the lower left corner of the screen.


For future reference: Hitting the Super Key (usually the Window key) should bring up that launcher.

That’s not as good as your solution, but it is useful to keep in mind.