Not quite sure what it is you did find but I use and greatly appreciate
‘LDAP Browser/Editor’ for a few reasons. First, it’s open source.
Second, it’s free. Third, it’s Java-based so it’s very cross-platform.
Fourth, the beta version is more-stable than most code you can get out
of beta and has been in beta long enough it really should just be
released so get that one. Fifth, it handles certificates properly
without any serious work. Google for it… you’ll enjoy it.
Good luck.
linuxformat wrote:
> Hi
> I have a server linux and ldap server is working now but computers on
> the network Windows.
> So I’m looking for ldap client on windows to log on the server .
> I found some programs, but the only for show
> I mean, I can see the data only for ldap Server
> Is there a program or way to access the server from Windows.
> Please help
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