launching firefox shows vlc icon and fails


There is a estrange behavior (just for my user) in kde4.
For instance, I’m using openscad, I select Help-OpenScad manual (it must open the web page showing the manual), then it launches Firefox, or at least it is what it shows at the task bar (launch feedback), but the icon of the application is not firefox icon but vlc icon. No program opens (neither firefox nor vlc) and launch feedback disappear. No error reported.
I think it might be a configuration error anywhere, but i can’t find it.

Where can i find?


On 12/09/2012 08:46 PM, fperal wrote:
> I’m using openscad

how did you install openscad?
what version of openSUSE are you using?


I downloaded it from

I’m using Opensuse 12.2 x86_64


On 12/09/2012 09:26 PM, fperal wrote:
> I downloaded it from

ok, that tells part of the story…you downloaded it and then how did
you install it…did you use YaST, zypper or manually run the rpm command…

forget that, because how ever you did it didn’t work…you could try
going to, dial in your version of openSUSE,
put openscad in the search block, find the “1 Click Install” link and
that should trigger a proper install with YaST…hopefully over your
broken install and fix all the wrong configurations…

let us know how that goes…and, for future installs you might want to
review the best ways to do it on openSUSE, here:

(going to a url in a browser and downloading is the last century way–i
use YaST Software Management for about 98% of my installs…and, zypper
or compiling from source for the rest)


So I installed this app and it does not run for me. It complains that it can not find: “/usr/share/opencascade/6.5.0/src/DrawResources/DrawDefault” You can open its documentation from here using Firefox: file:///opt/OpenCASCADE/doc/ReferenceDocumentation/html/index.html and their Web Site can be found here: Open CASCADE.

Its not a native openSUSE application and while it may be packaged incorrectly, you should get help from their web site I think.

Thank You,

I don’t remember. I Think I installed it with zypper. I’m sure there was no problem installing it. The program runs nicely, but the
Anyway, it is not an openscad issue. The same happen with other programs, for instance MPlabX: menu-help-online docs and support might open firefox but it shows the icon as if firefox is being launched but it shows the VLC player icon and firefox never appears

I’ve searched in the history and I installed two packages:

362  2012-05-10 16:20:35 zypper install libcgal8
363  2012-05-10 16:24:02 zypper install openscad-2011.12-2.2.x86_64.rpm

But, as I said, the program works fine, I think it is not a OpenScad problem but any kind of misconfiguration.

Trying with MY user the help menu in openscad or mplabx fails to open the help (is a web page) but gimp for instance open it’s web help correctly.

With another user (a test user) all of them open the web help correctly.


What’s the filename extension for the help files? Sure it’s html? I’d say a mime-type is set wrong, my bet is that FF doesn’t start at all, but VLC is used to open the help files, which it can’t.

Installed, tested the help feature, I’m sent to the wiki webpage.

Launching openscad from konsole for a test user, then I click Help-OpenScad manual

pruebas@andromeda:~> openscad
START /usr/bin/firefox ""

and firefox is opened.

Then launching openscad from konsole for my usual user, then I click Help-OpenScad manual

fernando@andromeda:~> openscad

nothing more, launch feedback appears at taskbar with “Firefox” name, the pointer change to VLC icon, but nothing happens

On 12/09/2012 10:46 PM, fperal wrote:
> With another user (a test user) all of them open the web help
> correctly.

that indicates that some part of some configuration file (or files)
inside your home directory contains incorrect/conflicting
information…but, that same information in the new testUser is correct
and well working…

there are several ways such configuration data can be come scrambled
(ranging from partial hardware failure [like hard drive loosing bits] to
simply something the user sets incorrectly either in a GUI tuning tool
or via direct editing of configure files…)

theoretically it might be possible to use a program like diff to compare
the config files in /home/pruebas and /home/[testUser], but that could
take far too many hours…

tell us which desktop environment you use and maybe someone can help
with a suggestion on which file(s)/directorie(s) could be renamed (not
deleted) to force the system to regenerate selected config files with
the default settings (like those in the testUser)…


KDE 4.8.5 Opensuse 12.2 X86_64


On 12/10/2012 05:06 PM, fperal wrote:
> KDE 4.8.5 Opensuse 12.2 X86_64

READ the caveat in my sig prior to proceeding!

ok, something below /.kde4/share/config in your home should be renamed,
then log out and log back in and the system will have regenerated that
configuration file (or those fileS) and all should be well…

trouble is i do not know exactly what below /.kde4/share/config are
the right bits, so you might want to wait to see what the others think
about that!

i would not advise to just rename the config directory because that
would do away with a LOT of your configuration settings, many of which
are probably just exactly as you wish them to be…

so, wait for more info on which bits to rename.


IMHO it’s a mime issue. Which should be anywhere in ~/.local/share/mime/ . What you could do, is -when being logged in as the test user rename that folder and copy over the mime folder of the test user:

(enter root password)
cd /home/YOURUSERNAMEHERE/.local/share
mv mime mime.orig
cp -r /home/TESTUSERNAMEHERE/.local/share/mime  /home/YOURUSERNAMEHERE/.local/share

Replace YOURUSERNAMEHERE with your username, TESTUSERNAMEHERE with the test user’s username, mind about the dot before “local”

Now log out from the test user account, login to your “own” account and see if the problem persists. Tested this on my own account and that’s working like it did before