Launch application in desktop n when booting

This has probably been asked about before… I would like to start apps in desktop 2, 3 and 4. To start apps during boot, I use two different methods:

The .xinitrc file in /home/dan works fine under: “Add your own lines here…”

Startup Applications in Gnome | System works well as well. Here, I can enter nautilus /dir and nautilus starts up just fine in that directory.

But as I mentioned, I have yet to find a way to direct the program to run in a different desktop other than #1.(???)

Thank You

Hello danperecky,

As far as I know it’s not possible in Metacity(window manager of GNOME).
But you can use the program Devil’s Pie to do this.
It’s available in the openSUSE 11.2 standard repository.
So you don’t need to add any repository.
I’ve never tried it so I don’t know if it works.

Good luck!:wink: