Latex help

Need Latex help. I have a long table and need to add commands for the table (cont.) for the next pages. Help.?

\small\begin{longtable}[h] {|c|c|c||c|c|c||c|c|c|}
\caption{…} \ \hline
What command needs to be used and where for having in the following pages showing “Table 1 (cont.)”. Thanks.

i had the same problem too, and i kept getting the error that the package for longtable was not found, or some error like that.
this even if i invoked the package in the preamble:

  • \usepackage{longtable}*
    I googled for long time and i found examples that yet did not compile on my systems. I have Kile and Texmaker applications installed. Longtable package should be part of any latex recent versions.

My only way around was to manually split the table in two normal tables, instead of having one longtable. And in the caption i put “Table continues on next page.”. Sorry i cant give any more help.

munkhan wrote:
> Need Latex help. I have a long table and need to add commands for the
> table (cont.) for the next pages. Help.?
> \small\begin{longtable}[h] {|c|c|c||c|c|c||c|c|c|}
> \caption{…} \ \hline

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