Hi there,
I run openSUSE 13.1 on a 4 year old Acer laptop.
Well, pulseaudio just runs fine. When I play back a video, pavucontrol perfectly shows the level meter output.
But, the audio from the laptop speaker is very, very low, almost not hearable.
When I connect my Onkyo stereo to the 3,5 mm headset jack I get the full, loud sound I expect.
This means, this is probably not a software issue, pulseaudio just runs fine.
I am now curious, is this known that laptop speakers tend to die after some years?
I only want to connect the stereo when I want full sound.
Usually the laptop speakers are just enough for every day use.
But now I always have to connect the stereo to get any sound to hear…
What do you think? Dying speakers?
I shutdown the machine, did not help. I thought maybe the internal speakers needed to restart. Did not help.
What do you think?
Besides that, the laptop just runs perfect.