Laptop doesn't power off when shutdown or reboot or suspend in opensuse Leap 15

Hi, I have HP Pavilion notebook, Memory 8G, core i5, with Linux OpenSUSE Leap 15 installed, with KDE desktop.
My problem is sometimes when I suspend or shutdown or reboot my laptop, it doesn’t power off, just screen turns off but laptop’s fan and cpu still working and after a few hours the battery will empty and laptop powers off. in this times I have to press down power button to completely shutdown the laptop.

*** It doesn’t occur always

  • I haven’t this problem in OpenSuse Leap 42.3, 42.2, … , and any other opensuse dists. but in other dists like Manjaro, Arch, … .
    Please help me. sorry for my bad English.

So, the laptop doesn’t reboot at all?
Did you have a look at Systemsettings - Powermanagement?
What happens if you simply close the lid of the laptop?

No, sometimes it powers off, and sometimes not. randomly.
Any changes in SystemSettings doesn’t work.
Exactly the same problem when I close the lid of the laptop.
Actually one third of the time, the laptop doesn’t power off and in other times it does, and because of possible hordware damages I want to solve this problem.
Thank you so much.