Laptop cannot shutdown anymore, just black screen and running forever.

my problem is not really boot or login related, it is more of a shutdown problem.
I have thumbleweed installed since the last opensuse version before Leap, i think it was opensuse 13.3.
A few months ago (about 2 give or take a few weeks) after i upgraded the system (i do this every day using zypper dup) i noticed that my laptop is not able to shutdown anymore.
I normaly shutdown or reboot using the gnome shutdown menu, when doing so the screen gets black after a few seconds (pretty normal so far) but then it stays black, and no matter how long i wait the laptop is still running (power lights are one and the fan is running and so on) but does not react to anything. The same happens when typing shutdown -r now in the console, i normaly do this after an update via zypper, is just says “terminated” and then nothing happens anymore.

Is this maybe systemd/logind related, what can i do? Do you need any more information?

You seem miss informed Tumbleweed is a rolling release is is not the one before Leap. to constantly changes and will forever or until everyone get tired supporting it :open_mouth:

No sorry, i just gave a miss-understandable explanation of the situation. I just wanted to give you the information that rebooting and restarting the system worked at first, during the time i installed it (which was roughly as opensuse 13.3 came out, but i installed thumbleweed at that time not opensuse 13.3) and the moment a made a system upgrade a few months ago.
Which means that most of the time i had tumbleed installed, everything was fine.

Still not rebooting :wink:
Is there e logfile i should look at or can post here?

I have had a problem with my laptop in the past. I cannot say this is anyway a recommended procedure. BE WARNED THIS MAY NOT BE SAFE.

Reach for your laptop battery and pull it out!

Then, be prepared to plugin again, power-on, and use advanced options if your system has them, use a rescue-cd if you have one.
Use back-ups of your documents, favorite files, and configuration files, if you have them - reinstall from .iso disk and rebuild!

Hope this helps you.