Language lost

K.D.E. - I just performed a “zypper up” and when I rebooted my menus and choices had changed from English to Spanish (not quite all of them). YaST was undecipherable, the KDE menus very confusing. I managed to navigate to System Settings and they had not been changed from what had previously functioned. It’s not usable as it stands.

Is there an easy fix? Thanks in advance.

A system-wide issue, or just when logged in as user?

What does the following report?

# localectl status

Thanks for the quick response.

:~> localectl status
   System Locale: LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
       VC Keymap: us
      X11 Layout: us


Sorry! Results were from wrong bootup. Response should read…

~> localectl status
   System Locale: LANG=POSIX
       VC Keymap: us
      X11 Layout: us

That looks ok, so it’s just a user-wide issue within KDE perhaps? If so, find and delete ~/.config/, then restart the session.

Also try to delete ~/.cache/ksycoca* (or the whole ~/.cache directory), this is where KF5 caches the menu entries, including their translation text.
Maybe that cache got corrupted somehow.

Afterwards run kbuildsycoca5 (as user) or logout/login.

Thanks to both of you. Problem solved. Back to testing the new OS.