LAN Driver Marvel 88e8040t


I install Suse 11.0 KDE 4
I download driver for marvel 88e8040t device from official site
now when I install, I get a problem when I must patch the driver

6.3 Applying the Driver Patch

To apply the generated Patch into the kernel use the following

cd /usr/src/linux

cat /patch-location/sk98lin__vX.XX_a_b_c_patch | patch -p1

I give to patch name “patch” and put him into /usr/src/linux-

then go to there

cd /usr/src/linux-

do cat patch

cat /usr/src/linux- | patch -p1

bash: patch: command not found

he writes to me this.
what I do wrong?

For one thing, I think you should run the patch as root (type su, then your root password, and THEN do the patching).
Best of luck!

I already run in root

Hmmmmmmm… I see you (re)named the patch to “patch”. Maybe the patch script/program looks for the original name and doesn’find it? It’s a long shot, I know, but …