LAMP server - missing extensions or files? b2evolution


I have LAMP server but are unable to install ‘b2evolution’.

I have installed this earlier succesfully but now I don’t get the DB filled and everthing holds.
No php error output on this.

I have done this in the past without problems.

Maybe I have to install a missing extension - but don’t know what might be missing. Have compared a working setup on another server and can’t find any differences on extensions, mariabd setup, db, php.ini etc.

Any thoughts on this?

Please,as we are not clairvoyant, provide information.

Which version of openSUSE do you use?

You say that you are “unable to install …”, please explain what you do and where that stops/get stuch/gives error messages or what ever that makes you say that you are unable.

Remind that a good problem description has three things; what you did, what you expected to happen and what happened instead.

Never mind

Works now.

I had a 64 bit openSuSE 13.1 with XFCE.

I reinstalled a 32 bit openSuSE 13.1 KDE and now there are no issues anymore.

Kind regards,

Not that I undestand much more about your problem now (what is the use of installing a 32-bit system on hardware that has proven to be 64-bit capable?), but when you are satisfied, all is OK.

But please, next time when you ask something, take my advice into account and do not let people guess the things that you can provide with ease.