From yesterday, kworker took half of the CPU. How can I solve that?
The problem seems to appear sometimes when I use Musescore, which is not behaving well (strange sounds appear in the background).
No idea, sorry.
But kworker is a kernel thing.
It’s not taking CPU time on its own.
Maybe this would help, but I haven’t read it really:
If it’s only related to Musescore, I would say Musescore has a bug.
I don’t use it myself, so cannot really comment there either.
Someone said on that link that setting
Hand XCHI OFF: disabled
on the bios would help, but I don’t see this line on my bios.
You are right, the problem is in musescore. But how could I turn of (or something like that) kworker without turning off the computer?
Well, that’s a solution for one particular problem. But there are at least a dozen others.
Just seeing a kworker thread doesn’t tell anything about the actual problem, it could be anything.
You are right, the problem is in musescore. But how could I turn of (or something like that) kworker without turning off the computer?
You can’t.
A kworker thread is just a thread that does some work on behalf of the kernel.
So you would have to find out what the thread is actually doing, see here kernel - Why is kworker consuming so many resources on Linux 3.0.0-12-server? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange (there’s a link to this on the page I linked to).
If I were to guess, I would say that maybe Musescore needs too much memory and the system is swapping.
Maybe have a look at the memory usage, with “top” f.e. (press ‘M’ to sort the processes by memory usage)
But that’s just a guess, no idea if it makes sense…