kwin not working at startup

it used to start alright for 2 weeks, and now suddenly it has stopped enabling itself at startup
i have to do ‘resume compositing’ manually from configure desktop

What should i do?

I’m having the same problem. My Compositing works like a charm once it’s enabled, but on startup it defaults to being off, so I need to go enable it manually.

Running KDE 4.3.3 “Release ‘3’” and OpenSUSE11.2

Hi calanor,

What version of openSUSE are you using?
Did you change anything just before it stopped working properly?
What display driver are you using?

You could try checking the power profile settings, which can turn off desktop effects.


I’ll answer these questions too :stuck_out_tongue:

openSUSE 11.2
ATI fglrx Driver (Catalyst 9.11)
It works properly once I turn it to Resume Compositing, on startup I get a notification from the KDE Window Manager saying that another program has disabled compositing, and that I can re-enable it by pressing Alt Shift F11.

On startup I typically have Firefox, Pidgin, Deluge, and XChat open.

Bump. This is still occuring. :frowning:

LostChild1 wrote:
> Bump. This is still occuring. :frowning:

you wrote: “…on startup I get a notification from the KDE Window
Manager saying that another program has disabled compositing … On
startup I typically have Firefox, Pidgin, Deluge, and XChat open.”

so, try: shutdown all programs before shutting down openSUSE then
restart and i guess nothing will disable composting…

if that is true, then leave only one of those four apps (Firefox,
etc) open when you shut down, and the next start see if composting
still starts, or not…do that until you find WHICH one is shutting
off composting…

then, search bugzilla list for that program and see if it is a known
bug, if not: make a bug report…and, until it is fixed either:

  • turn that application off before shutting down, or

  • enable composting each time you start up…
