Anyone worked out to get Kweather going under KDE4. Have installed the KDE4 rpm for Kweather and there appears to be files in /usr but no applet or plasmoid.
works for me
see my sig.
I’m 4.1
what about you?
owise1 wrote:
> Anyone worked out to get Kweather going under KDE4. Have installed the
> KDE4 rpm for Kweather and there appears to be files in /usr but no
> applet or plasmoid.
KDE4.1 & same story, not working!
Most of us are ‘stable’, where Caf is ‘unstable’.
So, I’m guessing that its on its way in todays’s update,
which I have downloading now.
[Caf: speaking of your sig, your kernel version is stale, no?]
I updated my kernel ver in my sig:rolleyes:
What do you mean I’m unstable, I’m using
Index of /repositories/KDE:/KDE4:/Factory:
and not
Index of /repositories/KDE:/KDE4:/UNSTABLE:
I get the joke: Caf is ‘unstable’.
but am I missing something
or am I just leaving myself open for more jesting?
Oh, and I love fl.
Have a home there: New Port Richey, 34652
Caf: It started from your earlier post:
kde4.1 qt44 updates - openSUSE Forums
So, I googled ‘qt44 repository’ and …well, I didn’t read very deep,
but try it and you’ll see. At any rate, I didn’t add that repo after
scanning that.
[So, I’ve been ASSUMING that you are ‘unstable’, but now I’m wiser.:D]
But, of course, the REAL question is: Where is your ability to enable
kweather coming from? [QT44 repository?]
I’m with them…I don’t have it avail in my widgets-list either, and I’m
at 19.3 also.
[Oh, I love Scotland/Hebrides…did an awesome kayak trip there in 2001]
Mine is from here though
Index of /repositories/KDE:/KDE4:/Community/openSUSE_11.0_KDE4_Factory_Desktop
the one from 4.1 main desktop repo is a no go for me too
sorry - I should have been clearer
Thanks for comments - I have bog standard 4.0.4 (KDE 4.0.4 >= 20080505) “release 15.2”.
Is this a bug with the version provided?
you should be able to add this
Index of /repositories/KDE:/KDE4:/Community/openSUSE_11.0
give it a go
4.1 is the way to go
I did have trouble getting it going, but it came ok about a couple of weeks before final.
And I sarted with a new .kde4 folder, it just made everything easier.
Make sure you have kde3 installed too as backup. But I haven’t needed it really. That’s if you decide to move forward.
You might find it less trouble if you un-install your extra apps and plasmoids like weather, also ktorrent. That way you will get less dependancy issues to work thru. Remember to disable your old kde4 repo’s if you have them.
Check it out first, see what issues it throws at you.
Thanks mate - you must live online!
Not quite, but nearly.
Going out soon.