KVM - Upgrading Win 8.1 to 10?...

Virt: KVM


Trying to upgrade Windows 8.1 to 10, using setup as:
Processors: 2
Memory: Min 4072 - Max 4072

I execute the Setup within Windows 8.1 and when it ask to download updates before upgrading, its been checking for updates for the last day in a half. Can anyone tell me the problem I’m having?


On Mon 14 Mar 2016 08:06:01 PM CDT, Nasheayah wrote:

Virt: KVM


Trying to upgrade Windows 8.1 to 10, using setup as:
Processors: 2
Memory: Min 4072 - Max 4072

I execute the Setup within Windows 8.1 and when it ask to download
updates before upgrading, its been checking for updates for the last day
in a half. Can anyone tell me the problem I’m having?


Probably the windows update server… upgrade without updates, then
update, or download the iso image and then mount the iso image and run
the setup program.

Cheers Malcolm °¿° LFCS, SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP1|GNOME 3.10.4|3.12.53-60.30-default
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On dual-boot systems, the upgrade to Windows 10 fails if the Windows partition is not marked as the boot partition. You have to move the boot flag there, upgrade, then can put the boot flag back where it was. BTW, some of the subsequent Windows 10 updates had this same issue.

Thanks for your help! I was able to upgrade with having it check for updates first as Malcolm suggested.

…I was able to upgrade with not having it check for updates…

Another alternative would have been to download and use the Win10 upgrade DVD instead of Windows Update for upgrading.

The plus is that using the Win10 upgrade DVD works in a multitude of “non-default” scenarios like a multi-boot.
The minus is that Windows Update likely has been dribbling down the upgrade bytes over time and is all on disk ready to use, but a DVD won’t use that. It’ll download fresh bytes for its own install.


Thanks tsu2 for the valuable information!..