When I try to enable RDP in the Remote Desktop control panel I get a banner that says:
Remote desktop cannot be enabled because your system does not support H264 video encoding. Please contact your distribution regarding how to enable it.
Is the package missing a dependency?
This may be a stupid question but I updated my Tumbleweed install today to grab the new Plasma 6.1 packages. I then eagerly installed krdp for remote desktop functionality. When I go to KDE System Settings, and then select the “Remote Desktop” sub-menu, I see the following error at the top of the window:
“Remote desktop cannot be enabled because your system does not support H264 video encoding. Please contact your distribution regarding how to enable it.”
I’ve installed the openh264 package fr…
Let’s keep this in one place.
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Thanks, I did search but somehow missed that
August 5, 2024, 7:39am
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